For help to ask conceptual questions / debug code / etc

  1. ⚠️ The TA should have sent a message in the #help-hours channel announcing the start of office hours. Below this message, write a brief description of what you need help with — try to describe the problem/question without code, but feel free to paste in short error messages.
  2. Go to Office Hours Location or log into the Help Hours Zoom if it is a remote session.
  3. Wait for a TA to reach out.
    1. feel free to get to know any classmates in the room as you wait and bounce ideas off of each other, and also feel free to respond to each other on slack also.
    2. be kind while waiting and receiving help, we're all in this together
  4. In some cases, a TA may group questions together.

For help anytime of DAY/NIGHT

Weekly Help Hours Schedule

Weekly Help Hours Schedule